Barrie Burns

Barrie Burns


Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB)

About Barrie Burns

Barrie is both a licenced business broker and a business development coach, with a successful background in both corporate and small business.

He comes from a family that has been successful over many years in both business development and real estate sales.

Before becoming a business broker, he started his own company from the kitchen table, and subsequently sold that enterprise to a multi-national company for several million dollars.

Part of his journey was to seek out and buy a bolt-on acquisition to expand his already successful base. During this period of personally buying and selling his own businesses, he developed a personal appreciation of the experience of being the buyer and seller of an enterprise.

Prior to building his own company, Barrie was a senior executive with a multi-national organisation involved in building productivity into acquired enterprises.

His experience and understanding of business development, and acquisitions, enables Barrie to quickly get down to business with you and your buyers on a friendly and a professional basis.

His motto “Your Success is our Focus” is more than a tagline…it is the foundation for a successful business relationship.

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