Reason for Sale
The vendor loves the business and is reluctantly selling due to a health issue which is limiting his ability to work.
About the Business
This is an opportunity to own a well-established business that specialises in repairing premium brand home appliances. These appliances include dishwashers, washing machines, stoves, ovens and cooktops.
If you are handy with repairs and have some electrical experience, this could be just the business you are looking for. It is currently run from the vendor’s home and can be operated from just about any location in the Greater Sydney area. All you would need, space wise, is a desk area for administration and some space for storing spares.
The business receives a strong stream of ongoing enquiries through its marketing activities. Also, there are plenty of opportunities to further grow this business. These include:
• Broadening the range of brands worked on
• Expanding the types of appliances worked on
• Widening the geographic area that the business services
• Turning Google Adwords back on (the vendor has deliberately turned these off to keep sales at a level that suits his lifestyle)
The owner does not have to make sales calls. Instead, leads come through well established online systems. This leaves the owner free to work on repairs.
This is a business with strong financial performance. For the 2021 year, the business achieved a profit to the owner operator of $122,000. This was with two months of lockdown where the vendor did not work. Had the lockdown not been there, the profit would have been significantly higher.
The vendor loves the business and is reluctantly selling due to a serious health issue which is limiting his ability to work.
This quality business is being offered for sale at $100,000 plus stock (approximately $40k of stock). This represents a very high return on investment.
The location of this business is not exact, it is indicative only.