Looking for the ultimate beach lifestyle? ENZED Sunshine Coast now available for sale.
ENZED is an industry leader known for their expertise, delivering top-notch products and services. Whether it’s an urgent hydraulic hose repair or replacement, you can always count on ENZED to provide reliable support.
The ENZED Sunshine Coast Business has many standout features :
* A broad and diverse customer base
* Easily accessed corner location with massive exposure from busy Maroochydore Road
* Very reasonable rent at less than 6% of sales
* Long lease plus options in place until January 2030
* Consistent sales with great return to a working owner
* Established in 1988. Current owner has held for 15 years
* Significant unexplored opportunity within the Gympie Region
* An impressive record of resilience in the industry
* No mechanical background needed to run this business
* Includes all equipment and vehicles
* National marketing campaigns designed to drive sales directly to your business
* Comprehensive on boarding training with smooth transition guaranteed
Make the Move Today!
Price: $299,000 + SAV
Contact Mick today on
Mobile: 0417 778 587 or
Email: mick@thefinngroup.com.au or enquire using the online form