
You can sign a confidentiality deed directly from any business for sale listing.

Because every business seller is different you will need to sign a confidentiality deed for each listing you are interested in.

We’ll notify the business seller who will review your buyer profile and choose to approve or reject your access.

Sellers might also contact you via live chat before they approve your access to the business for sale. 

When the seller has approved your access you will be granted access to the dataroom for the listing and be able to see the Confidential Business Information and FAQs.

That depends on the seller!

Typically, sellers like to deal with BusinessSales Insiders first. In fact many of our listings aren’t even visible to the public.

Becoming a BusinessSales Insider puts you at the front of the queue for the business you want to buy.

Click here to become a BusinessSales Insider and start the process of buying your own business.

As the potential buyer of the business, you don’t want confidential information about the business to be shared with your competitors, staff and suppliers. 

Signing a confidentiality deed protects the goodwill of the business you are trying to buy, and safeguards your private information as the new owner.

Goodwill covers all the intangible aspects of an established business such as the brand and reputation.

When buying a business the difference between the purchase price and the net asset position is the goodwill component.


The value of your business is dependent on a number of factors. You can read about how to negotiate the sale of your business for the best price here. 

You can also contact us and ask us to connect you with a Registered Business Valuer to get professional advice on the value before you sell your business.

BusinessSales was built from the ground up specifically to keep Australian businesses alive and moving, from one business owner to the next.

There are a number of enhancements over conventional business for sale websites.

We make it easier for buyers to find your business
  • We utilise the ATO’s ANZSIC codes to support over 800 industry categories
  • We allow you to list a business for sale in a region not just a suburb (e.g. Gold Coast vs Broadbeach). This also protects your confidentiality.
We keep your business sale confidential
  • All potential buyers sign a confidentiality deed seamlessly through our simple online system to protect intellectual property and sensitive information pertaining to your business.
  • You get access to a detailed profile about each prospective buyer enquiring about your business.
  • We provide an in-built dataroom with live document watermarking included for all sellers free of charge.
  • You can use live chat to contact the buyer of the business so you don’t need to use your personal email address or phone number.
  • Ability to remove access to the dataroom if a buyer isn’t interested


There are no monthly subscription fees to access the BusinessSales platform and you can list and sell for free.

We do offer upgraded listings if you choose.

You can manage your business listing easily through our live dashboard.

If you have an existing account but have forgotten your password, simply go to the Login Page and click on “Lost your password?” and follow the steps. 

You will need either your username or your email address.


BusinessSales was built from the ground up by leading Australian business brokers who envisioned a platform tailored specifically to keep Australian businesses alive and moving, from one business owner to the next.

There are a number of enhancements over conventional real estate based listing sites.

Better Searches
  • We utilise the ATO’s ANZSIC codes to support over 800 industry categories
  • We allow you to list your vendors’ business for sale in a region not just a suburb (e.g. Gold Coast vs Broadbeach). This also protects your vendors’ confidentiality.
  • Search that just works – There’s no need to worry if a vendor will be able to find their listing.


Genuinely Confidential
  • Seamless Confidentiality Agreements using your templates (or ours)
  • In-built dataroom with live document watermarking included.
  • Ability to remove access to the dataroom if a buyer isn’t interested

There are no monthly subscription fees to access the BusinessSales platform and you can list and sell for free.

We do offer upgraded listings with licenced brokers can purchase as a discounted rate.
  • Increased listing accuracy and visibility for your vendors with detailed Industry classification using ANZSIC codes
  • Encouraging buyers to create detailed buyer profiles with government ID checks so you know more about each buyer.
  • A listing on BusinessSales provides a summary of the business which reduces the amount of tyre kickers submitting enquires.
  • We don’t allow enquiries! If a buyer isn’t serious enough to sign the confidentiality agreement they can’t get more information.

You can manage your listing easily through our live dashboard. 

For a demo complete the apply to register form located here: Business Broker Registration

Some information like your profile can be edited from your dashboard.

Other information (like your licence number) can only be edited by us. If you need a hand you can contact us at

If you have an existing account but have forgotten your password, simply go to the Login Page and click on “Lost your password?” and follow the steps. 

Select an email template


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