Together with Steve Finn, we have expanded Finn Franchise Brokers from 2 small offices in Brisbane and Perth, to the nationally-recognized company it is today. We have developed our specialized sales system over the last 11 years to the point where it is 100% proven to result in business sales for our clients. our brand is known Australia-wide amongst business owners and Finn Business Sales will be there to help these business owners achieve their goals. You do not need to be an experience business broker – our business model is well systematized, and we provide initial training and ongoing support.
I make my living from selling businesses. We’ve got a great system that really works well. Buyers give us really positive feedback. They like dealing with us because we help educate them on business, show them how to conduct due diligence, guide them on how to get finance, and help them get approved as buyers. I love helping vendors got the best possible price for their business and guiding and mentoring them throughout all the stages of this complex process.