Commercial Cleaning Business

Price: $200,000 (Negotiable)
Commercial Cleaning. Supply Nation verified, Central west NSW

Key Sale Highlights

This listing is posted by a private seller

Business Overview

A family owned Cleaning Business for sale. All the hard work is done, we have built our business up an we would love for someone to take it over an grow it even more. We strive to give the local people a job in our locations to keep business in the town. We also encourage aboriginal people to apply for work with us. We train an mentor pur staff to be the best in industry. We also have a reputable name an very professional. We have de scale pur biz a little as its only 2 of us doing all the admin an behind the scenes work.
Due to health reason we unfortunately have to sell. We are negotiatable on price as we have had to de scale the business a fair bit due to health reason an can not be 100% committed to running the whole business.


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