Extremely profitable bricklaying business

Price: $420,000 (Including stock of approximately $80,000)
Extremely profitable bricklaying company

Key Sale Highlights

This listing is posted by a private seller

Business Overview

On offer is an extremely profitable construction business in a very well sort after industry. Bricklaying shortage is a real problem and most bricklayers are making huge profits and we can only see it going further and further up.

I have ran the business for 7 years and have just started a young family so I need to be at home more. We are turning over, $1.5 -1.8 million a year for the past few years at over a. %55 profit ratio. Will sit down and openly show the buyer all our books with our accounting team.

I will give you everything you need to know and I have a well equiped team to run on site in which the buyer will meet with me.


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