Online Fashion Marketplace with stock

Price: $7,500 + Stock
Online marketplace w/ website, IG, stock, email, domain

Key Sale Highlights

This listing is posted by a private seller

Business Overview

We have developed a great idea to make online shopping for the Australian public better then ever. Our business “ Fashion Market Australia” aims to be the one stop shop for all things fashion, the website has been developed in a way where it can house over 100 brands. The goal for this business is to bring established and up and coming brands to a singular platform, as the platform owner you will make a commission for each sale done through your website along side the 3 in-house brands with a collective of 350 pieces of clothings we have developed meticulously in line for the Australian fashion trends. Once agreed on with the price we can complete a full transfer of access to all online accounts in 24hr as well as shipping all the stock, if based in Melbourne will deliver by hand same day so you can begin growing Australia’s newest fashion market place haven.  Feel free to check our website at and our Instagram page at


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