Well-established fitness gym practicing holistic wellness

Price: $240,000 (Including Stock)
Operating for 10 years

Key Sale Highlights

This listing is posted by a private seller

Business Overview

This business is a well-established fitness studio with a decade of experience in Rockhampton, QLD. Initially starting in a school hall, this business offers diverse fitness programs specialising in functional training and strength conditioning. Members enjoy personalised programs in a welcoming space with free childminding services.

Located conveniently in Rockhampton City, the business, operated by a dynamic team, has a solid online presence, engaging with the community on Facebook. With 230 members, it offers various payment options: upfront payments, direct debit and session passes.

The business is poised for growth, introducing semi-private sessions and one-on-one personal training. The resilient community, built during challenging times, provides a solid foundation for expansion. Growth opportunities include diversifying product offerings, especially by expanding the protein supplement range.

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*** Please note: We have used stock photos to protect the confidentiality and goodwill of the business. The pictures are indicative only.


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